Fruitage – Fruit Fly Lure

Fruitage fly lure provide disease control against Bactrocera zonata (Saunders), Bactrocera correcta (Bezzi) and Bactrocera dorsalis.


Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) mainly pest on peach and other stone fruits; guava fruit fly Bactrocera correcta (Bezzi) common on guava, mango and citrus; oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis  recorded on fruits and vegetables.

Different Types of Fruit Flies

Benefits of Fruitage Lure : provide considerable control of Fruit flies.

Method of Application : 

  • 1-2 Lure traps per plant are required. If disease occurrence is high and plant size is big then 3-4 can be used.

Crops : All Fruit Crops



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